A tradition that results in an impaired walk with God and lesser service to others is a detrimental tradition to/for them. Can one say it is good for one culture and not another?I will mention this again. But does the bible has anything to say about those? It does seem to have become a chat time. I am not sure if this is because of nervousness, but we should remember why we are doing these things, or it will become just another tradition.We are a global community of faith, so I would suggest we are careful about assuming what happens in our local churches happens in all.
A tradition that leads a person to a closer walk with God and greater service to others is a beneficial tradition to/for them. But, in my 20 some interviews with Ninth Ward residents, the majority has recalled making, eating or smelling red beans on a Monday — without a question prompting them.Former Ninth Warders Joan Lee, her husband Jefferson Lee and sister Jane Miceli spilled the beans on the custom, whimsically describing the aroma of red beans drifting through the old neighborhood on Mondays.Feeling inspired to whip up this New Orleans staple? Thus, the Bible holds a unique role that supersedes all human traditions.
Why do we spend so much time on what we wear, how we adorn ourselves, what we eat, how we 'do church' does it matter? A tradition that results in an impaired walk with God and lesser service to others is a detrimental tradition to/for them. I recall getting home from a long day of school and dance team practice, taking a long nap and waking up to the aroma of red beans and rice. Their behavior? Tradition, however, has a tendency to grow over long periods of time, thus accumulating more and more details and aspects that were not originally part of God’s Word and plan. Balfour College Ring Traditions. But is there another factor we might need to consider first?1 Samuel 16:7 outlines how God approaches and responds to such issues. Our pastor, elder, or layman ends with a song and a prayer. Hymns vs. contemporary, which instruments are appropriate, clapping hands or lifting hands... my prayer is that tradition would not come between us and God. Is it supported by "thus saith the Lord" or not? It is unthinkable for us to enter the church with our slippers. What do others think? These human traditions — even though they are promoted by respected “elders” The living Word of God initiates in us a reverent and faithful attitude toward it. One of the participants was a couple that were still in their bath tub together and it was obvious that they were wearing very little, if any, clothing.
Removing of the slippers was a traditional value to remind us we are in the holy ground.
Growing up in Louisiana, I remember seeing Monday specials for red beans and hearing people say they wanted the dish solely because it was Monday.
Red beans on Monday was a... To the rest of the country, red beans and rice is a New Orleans tradition.
What I came to realized was, God starts from the inside and works his way to the outside. Sadly the pandemic is far from over and there are still a …
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