Otherwise, you need to obtain a visa before entering the country.
We use cookies to enhance your experience and to help us understand how to improve usability. Jan 27, 2020. For passport holders of other nationalities not included here, please check the Project Visa website for more information. How to apply for a visa to Japan. Apply Online.
For more information about how we use cookies please read our VisaHQ is an affiliate Temporary visitors from most countries are allowed to stay for up to 90 days. Share your travel photos with us by hashtagging your images with #visitjapanjp. My Favorites. None Memories in the Making Welcome to the official tourism website of Japan. Japan Safe Travel Information. Coronavirus (COVID-19) advisory information. Planning a Trip to Japan?
Jul 19, 2020. Visa applicants living in Scotland and North England (Cleveland, Cumbria, Northumberland and Tyne&Wear) should contact the Consulate-General of Japan at Edinburgh. Important Notice. How to Apply Visa CategoriesVisa FeesOpening HoursContactNews Links Visa Requirements. visitor visa holders) can not be accepted. By continuing to use this site, you agree to receive cookies. UK, AUS, NZ, USA and CAN passport holders do not require a visa at present to enter Japan for touristic purposes for a stay of up to 90 days.
Learn a little more about Japan's customs, culture and Wi-Fi connectivity, as well as its seasonal weather, geography and luggage delivery options.
For UK Immigration Services please call Japan tourist visa is not required for citizens of United Kingdom for a stay up to 90 days. What is a Japanese visa? Applications from non-residents in the UK (e.g.
Intergate, in conjunction with our travel visa partner, offers a bespoke Japanese visa service that provides advice, compilation of the application, submission and return. Applicants who apply for a visa through a registered agent are not required to visit the Embassy in person to apply. Fukko-wari discount information in Eastern Japan. You can't apply for a Japanese visa at present.
Japan Visa, United Kingdom: Application, Requirements, Japanese Visa Services by VisaHQ Ltd, London, UK. If you are a citizen of one of the over 50 countries with which Japan has a "general visa exemption arrangement", you need only a valid passport to enter Japan as a "temporary visitor". Information on Japanese visas for South Africans travelling to Japan. Jan 28, 2020. Many of the questions first-time travelers might have are answered here, along with insider tips and practical advice …
The Government of Japan currently allows citizens of 68 countries/territories to travel to Japan for tourism or business without having to obtain a visa.. Japan plans to introduce an electronic system for tourist visa applications in April 2020. Visitors to Japan must obtain a visa from one of the Japanese diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa-exempt countries. Japan Visum für Kurzzeitaufenthalte ohne der Absicht in Japan zu arbeiten (oder ein Praktikum/eine Ausbildung machen zu wollen): → Für bis zu 180 Tage benötigen deutsche Touristen zur Einreise kein extra Visum vor der Reise beantragen.
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