Jake is one of Hawaii’s most exciting musicians. Jake Shimabukuro - LIVE FROM HAWAII - Duration: 1 hour, 14 minutes. Catch the LIVE stream right here! In addition to his original compositions, his repertoire includes Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, Schubert’s Ave Maria and Cohen’s Hallelujah. As a Hawaii.com member, gain points through various fun activities on the website for chances to win. Jake also credits icons like Bruce Lee and Michael Jordan as a source of inspiration.Known for his energetic strumming on the ukulele, Jake’s performance incorporates elements of thoughtful, sophisticated arrangements to spontaneous, improvised passages. Jake Shimabukuro returns FRIDAY - July 10th LIVE From Hawaii.
We want you to join us, so please make sure to tune in at the following time: 2:00 PM HST (Hawaii) 5:00 PM Pacific 6:00 PM Mountain 7:00 PM Central 8:00 PM Eastern We offer VIP reservations for groups of 12 or more. Jake Shimabukuro returns FRIDAY - June 19th "LIVE From Hawaii." Play online games for free at Easy Branches Worldwide Network provide the possibility and allows You to contribute Your Guest Post on different websites and languages, pointed to any City or Country©2020 We are working with each… 8,168 views; Streamed 1 week ago; This item has been hidden. Simply register with your social network below.Or register with your email address.Already a member? Your new password must be at least 6 characters long and include at least 1 number.Can you please tell us a bit more about you so we can personalize your experience with us?Please enter your email address to reset your password.An email regarding your password change has been sent to your email address.Please check your email inbox for the verification email and follow the instructions to activate your account.Didn't get a verification email? He’s sold out world-class venues, played at Bonnaroo, SXSW, the Playboy Jazz Festival, Fuji Rock Festival, the influential TED conference, and even performed for Queen Elizabeth II at the Royal Variety Performance in Blackpool, England.He has topped Billboard’s World Music Chart numerous times, been declared a musical “hero” by Rolling Stone Magazine, which also stated: “one of the hottest axemen of the past few years doesn’t actually play guitar.” He has also won accolades from the disparate likes of Eddie Vedder who states: “Jake is taking the instrument to a place that I can’t see anybody else catching up with;” been talked about by Perez Hilton and Dr. Sanjay Gupta, wowed audiences on national TV with appearances on “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” “Late Night with Conan O’Brien,” “Good Morning America,” and “The Today Show,” and along the way has earned comparisons to musical innovators such as Jimi Hendrix and Miles Davis.
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