『ジーザス・オブ・クール』 - Jesus of Cool (1978年) 『レイバー・オブ・ラスト』 - Labour of Lust (1979年) 『ニック・ザ・ナイフ』 - Nick the Knife (1982年) 『ショウマンの悲劇』 - The Abominable Showman (1983年) 『カウボーイ・アウトフィット』 - Nick Lowe & His Cowboy Outfit (1984年) Negli ultimi anni Nick Lowe, schivo e lontano dal circo mainstream, ha continuato a pubblicare dischi virando verso un suono più vicino al roots rock. UK — 1985 I Knew the Bride (When She Used to Rock ’n’ Roll) The Rose of England — US 77 (9 Wo.) UK — Cruel to Be Kind Labour of Lust: UK 12 (11 Wo.)
UK — 1979 Crackin’ Up Labour of Lust: UK 34 (5 Wo.) Please upgrade today!
Jesus of Cool (1978) Labour of Lust (1979) Nick the Knife (1982) The Abominable Showman (1983) Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit (1984) The Rose of England (1985) Pinker and Prouder Than Previous (1988) Party of One (1990) The Impossible Bird (1994) Dig My Mood (1998) The Convincer (2001) At My Age (2007) [4] The Old Magic (2011) + Follow Artist US: 1984 Half a Boy and Half a Man Nick Lowe and His Cowboy Outfit: UK 53 (4 Wo.) Share on 1978 - Jesus of Cool; 1979 - Labour of Lust; 1982 - Nick the Knife; 1983 - The Abominable Showman Lowe returned with Nick the Knife in February of 1982, supporting the album with a band featuring guitarist Martin Belmont and keyboardist Paul Carrack; the group was first called the Chaps, but their name changed to Noise to Go during the American tour. Of all the old-guard pub rockers,
Jesus of Cool: UK 7 (8 Wo.) This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work! © 2015 Nick Lowe US Nick Lowe (born Nicholas Drain Lowe, 24 March 1949, Walton-on-Thames, England) is a well-respected British singer-songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. UK: US 12 (15 Wo.) The son of a British Royal Air Force officer, Discografia Album in studio. This is a unique website which will require a more modern browser to work! Jesus of Cool (Deluxe Edition) ~ Release by Nick Lowe (see all versions of this release, 7 available) With their unassuming appearance and unpretentious music, pub rockers set the stage for punk rock in the late '70s, not only by relying on three-chord rock & roll, but also by establishing a circuit of pubs to play. Nick the Knife was a moderate hit, but its follow-up, 1983's The Abominable Showman, was a flop.
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