Read about On My Own by Les Miserables Soundtrack and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists.
Sometimes I walk alone at night When everybody else is sleeping. 6 On my own Pretending he's beside me All alone I walk with him till morning Without him I feel his arms around me And when I lose my way I close my eyes And he has found me In the rain the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river 3,523 listeners
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Lyrics to 'On My Own' by Les Misérables - Original London Cast: On my own Pretending he's beside me All alone I walk with him till morning Without him
And when I lose my way I close my eyes. 7,591 listeners Do you know the lyrics for this track? Lin-Manuel Miranda Stuns Emily Blunt By Rapping 'My Shot' from Hamilton! Do you know the lyrics for this track?
Beginning in the key of D major, modulating to Bb major, then ending in F major, this is the most important song for the role of Éponine.In the song, she expresses her unrequited love for the character Marius, and how she dreams of being at his side but knows his love is for Cosette and not for her. Do you know any background info about this artist? Another wonderful song from Les Mis, “On My Own” is a great piece for beginners to practice, whatever your instrument. I look back and cringe at it . I’ve realised my lo never liked me. Do you know a YouTube video for this track?
Les Miserables - Samantha Barks - On My Own (lyrics) (Full Verison) - Duration: 3:12. dunnousewutname 6,982,157 views. I've enjoyed shifting it up a bit to play it on the flute - I hope you enjoy playing it too :) .A D DD - E - D E A-F#-E D.A D-DD E D E D .B-.A .A -.B DD C# D E F#-D F#D G F# E D GF# E D GF# E D .B .A .A D DD E - D E A F#-D.A D D D E-D E D .B-.A.A .B .B - DD C# D E F# D-F#D G F# ED G F# E D-G-F# E D-.B-.A .A D D D D#-D D# F FD Bb Bb-FF D - D .Bb .Bb C .Bb.Bb G - GG G F# G A BB A GF# E G F# E C F FF G F G ^C A-G-FC F FF G-F G F D-C C - D FF E F-G A F-AF Bb A G F Bb-A-GF Bb A G F D-C C F FF G-F G ^C A-G-FA G AA A-A B B-^C-^C C - D FF E F G A F-AF Bb A G F Bb-A-GF Bb A G-F ^C C F FC F FG G FF G-F G A A Circle of Life – The Lion King (Disney)Something There – Beauty and the Beast (Disney)Solitaire – The CarpentersLike a Prayer – MadonnaIt Must Have Been Love – RoxetteIt's a bit odd, but for some reason NoobNotes has been built by hand, pixel-by-pixel, note-by-note with the intention of sharing well-known and loved songs in an easy-to-read format to encourage beginners and hobbyists alike :)Sign up for the weekly Friday newsletter from so you're always up to date :)
Les Miserables – On My Own Lyrics. I could have saved myself so much grief! Playing via Spotify Playing via YouTube Playback options Don't want to see ads? Don't want to see ads? LES MISERABLES On My Own Lyrics.
Can you help us out? Les Miserables the Musical - On My Own Lyrics And now I'm all alone again, Nowhere to go, no one to turn to.
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