Content Marketing & Information Design for your projects: Published July 14 Digital & Trend ReportsOverview and forecasts on trending topicsIndustry ReportsIndustry insights and forecastsCompany ReportsKey figures and rankings about companiesConsumer ReportsConsumer insights and preferences in various industriesPolitics & Society ReportsDetailed information about political and social topicsCountry ReportsAll key figures about regions and countriesEverything you need to know about Consumer GoodsIdentify market potentials of the digital futureKey topics in mobilityKey economic and social indicatorsInsights into the world's most important technology marketsFigures and insights about the advertising and media worldEverything you need to know about the industry developmentFind studies from all around the internetKey company figures at a glanceData sets for your business plan facts. Another pop star on the list (and certainly not the last), it’s Britney Spears. It’s your good buddy, CNN, with all the breaking news you could want. A compendium of BDSM and Dominations arts professionals from all around the world With 67 million people using Twitter every month, it's a tough job to get the most Twitter followers out of everyone. With the release of her song ‘thank u, next’ kicking up a storm on Twitter, no one will be shocked to see her on this list.Her Twitter following is pretty start-studded as well including Jared Leto, Harry Styles, and Lindsay Lohan.Grande not only posts personal and promotional tweets, but also gives plenty of shout outs to her uWe used Iris, Brandwatch's AI assistant, to find 101 times brands went viral this yearOur second talk show host is Ellen DeGeneres, who beats out Fallon and lands in our number 8 spot. He campaigns for his party, talks about issues affecting India, and tweets about diplomacy between his country and others.Best wishes to the Chief Minister of Mizoram, Mr. You’ll find them under ‘Products’ in the navigation. World News Websites best list. All Rights Reserved. This is his personal account rather than the Trump and his Twitter account are rarely out of the news. He’s also the His actual account has less promotional posts compared to others in this list. Ahead of Twitter’s own account is YouTube who come in at nine. She also counts Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, and Maria Sharapova among them. That's the only way we’ll do this—together.Well, it’s clear that celebs in the real world will be celebs on Twitter. From May 8th, all Crimson Hexagon products are now on the Brandwatch website. Pop stars really do well on Twitter with Selena Gomez next up. The FIFA/Coca World Ranking - Find out where your team are in the latest standings. Since becoming a worldwide teenage sensation, she’s kept up her career through a mix of controversy and success. Updates on her music and tours, behind the scenes videos, and personal posts.All you need is love and the beach …. She previously run the account, but quit Twitter last year.Activity resumed in January 2020, and has quickly drummed up millions of new followers and found itself on this list.The account, as likely rub by her press team, has mainly stuck to promoting her music and events. ; 22% of US adults use Twitter. The New York Times is the next most followed with 42m followers, while the BBC’s breaking news account has 38.8m.The account is exactly what you’d expect. Twitter data/rankings are extracted and published twice a year and the current edition is based on data extracted in March 2020. Please see our Copyright © 2020 Brandwatch. Drake, Cher, and Janet Jackson all follower her.Her Twitter account is the usual fare. and over 1 Mio. Her 83.4m followers are clearly patient.when you’re proud of your buns so you post them on the internet Another musician in our list (and still not the last), we have megastar and beauty product entrepreneur, Rihanna. There’s a lot of promotional stuff (particularly around her KKW Beauty company) along with general updates about her life.For all of the things that could be trending, this is super funny to me that so many are concerned about a pic i posted 2 years ago. Find information on international news, world news, top news headlines, breaking news, international affairs, analysis, multimedia & interactives, opinions, documentaries, discussions, reviews, world politics and much more by following top word news sites. 34% of Twitter users are females and 66% are males. I highly recommend. Modi will be pretty happy about making this list. He’s been an avid Twitter user since 2009, realising early on the influence social media can have on politics.Having been in power since 2014, his following has gone from strength to strength. In your browser settings you can configure or disable this, respectively, and can delete any already placed cookies. Competition is stiff, but these people have made it to the top of the table. The world famous businesswoman and TV personality has garnered a huge following on every social media platform she touches.She’s the She also uses her account much like other people in this list.
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