Show and Tell 大切なもの

At the age of 12, I asked my parents to let me go to a private combined junior and senior high school that is famous for baseball team. 質問者:How did you feel when your dream of having a dog as a pet didn’t come true?発表者:I felt sad and I was shocked to know that I wouldn’t be able to have a dog in the apartment house.質問者:After you were given Snoopy by your parents, didn’t you think you wanted to have a real dog?発表者:No, I didn’t think so.
Actually, I play the guitar in a band. And also, some people cannot sleep well because of barks of a dog.Please look at this picture. Our band is very popular among people in our town.

A party was held under the cherry trees. He is Snoopy. A woman beside me is a friend of my parents’. She was surprised with our custom. This picture was taken by my parents when we visited Hakone this spring. In fact, we lived in an apartment house then, and we were not allowed to have a pet due to one of the rules of the apartment house.

She told me to visit London in the near future. 発表者の We got in an onsen.

This is my own guitar.

I sometimes asked for my parents’ help. I’ve been a pitcher for six years. She is British and she lives in London. And she came back to Japan in April this year to enjoy beautiful cherry blossoms. I didn’t know why I couldn’t have a dog. When I entered the elementary school, I joined the boys’ baseball team. Our band is very popular among people in our town. 中学生の英語による「聞く」能力と「話す」能力をアップさせる方法の1つにShow & Tellがあります。Show & Tellとは、聞き手に対して何かを見せて(show)、それについて話す(tell)ことです。中学校の英語授業では、生徒が気に入っているものやクラスメートに知ってもらいたいものな Fortunately, our team could advance to the semifinal. I was an ace pitcher then. Do you have any opinions about this?発表者:I think some pet owners are not responsible for taking care of their each pet. I always go out with him. We are waiting for the summer festival this year, too. I thought they worried whether I could take care of a dog. When I was a child, I wanted to have a dog as a pet. の発言で対して、An onsen is called a hot spring in English.
My parents bought this Snoopy for me in place of a real dog. My father was very glad to hear that and he bought this glove for me.

質問者:How many members are there in your band?発表者:There are six members in our band. She was invited to Japan six years ago in November for the first time by my parents. According to her, she likes spring better.質問者:Could you communicate with her without any difficulties this time?発表者:No. When I met her six years ago, I couldn’t speak with her at all, because I didn’t know any English words, but this time I could enjoy speaking English with her. 欧米の教育でよく聞く学習活動「Show and Tell」をご存知ですか?これは、年齢に関係なく子どもたちが楽しく発表の練習ができるアクティビティです。発表の上達だけでなく、英語表現力やプレゼンテーション能力向上など多くのメリットがあります。家庭での英語学習にも活用できる方法も紹介します!


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