You can use it when you are surprised by something that was not expected to happen. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.
• OUT OF THE BLUE (adverb) The adverb OUT OF THE BLUE has 1 sense:. Out of the blue definition: If something happens out of the blue , it happens unexpectedly. Sophie Monks Kaufman of Sight and Sound wrote, "Out of Blue is incoherent, which isn’t to say it’s bad.
Find descriptive alternatives for out of the blue. Out of the blue is an English idiom meaning “suddenly and unexpectedly”. Origin of this idiomatic phrase. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
If something happens out of the blue, it is completely unexpected: 2. If something happens out…. New Words© Cambridge University Press 2020© Cambridge University Press 2020 The idiom “out of the blue” evolved from an older idiom. • OUT OF THE BLUE (adjective) The adjective OUT OF THE BLUE has 1 sense:. Learn more.
{{message}}{{message}}Something went wrong. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. The older idiom used was “a bolt from the blue” or “a bolt out of the blue.”.
The image of something dropping from the sky was transferred to sudden or surprising events in the late nineteenth century. {{message}}{{message}}There was a problem sending your report. Carol Morley’s murder mystery is a mood piece that alternates between naffness and transcendence". a food that is considered to be very good for your healthBlog {{message}}{{message}}There was a problem sending your report.Get a quick, free translation!Word of the Day The idiom “out of the blue” means that something happens when you are not expecting it to or something happens suddenly. Then, completely out of the blue, I received a letter from her. For example, I haven’t seen her since childhood. Add {{message}}{{message}}Something went wrong. Out Of The Blue Meaning. out of a clear (blue) sky. out of the blue definition: 1. 1. out of nowhere or unexpectedly 2. something that happens without anyone having prior knowledge of it 3. genuine surprise or shock 4. happens suddenly and one is not expecting it Dictionary entry overview: What does out of the blue mean? out of the blue - not anticipated; "unanticipated and disconcerting lines of development"- H.W.Glidden; "unforeseen circumstances"; "a virtue unlooked-for in people so full of energy"; "like a bolt out of the blue" Synonyms for out of the blue at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. “He dropped upon me suddenly out of a clear sky,” wrote W. E. Norris ( Marietta’s Marriage, 1897). Unexpectedly, suddenly. 1. not anticipated Familiarity information: OUT OF THE BLUE used as an adjective is very rare.
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