(AP)Dec. 7, 2018, marks the 77th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. News. News, email and search are just the beginning. Yahoo!ニュースは、新聞・通信社が配信するニュースのほか、映像、雑誌や個人の書き手が執筆する記事など多種多様なニュースを掲載しています。 Tributes to Olympic figure skater Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya who died after 'falling from window' Sky News. Three days earlier, on Aug. 6, 1945, an American B-29 Superfortress bomber called Enola Gay dropped a uranium-235 bomb on Hiroshima, eventually killing at least 140,000 people. Yahoo News UK. He raised concerns about slowing efforts to denuclearize, saying existing nuclear states are modernizing their arsenals.“Disarmament processes have slowed and even come to a halt,” Guterres told the audience at the Nagasaki Peace Park. あなたの毎日をアップデートする情報ポータル。検索、ニュース、天気、スポーツ、メール、ショッピング、オークションなど便利なサービスを展開しています。 Discover more every day. The Telegraph. Find your yodel. Their destructive power was unprecedented, incinerating buildings and people and leaving lifelong scars on survivors, not just physical but also psychological, and on the cities themselves. A powerful earthquake Thursday on Japan’s northernmost main island of Hokkaido triggered dozens of landslides that crushed houses under torrents of dirt, rocks and timber, prompting frantic efforts to unearth any survivors.At least nine people were killed, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said. Don’t believe any of them.” The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! Travellers with travel history to Australia's Victoria state, Japan, Hong Kong to serve SHN at dedicated facilities. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos. “Let us all commit to making Nagasaki the last place on earth to suffer nuclear devastation,” he said. (AP/Getty images)Here’s a look back at that fateful day.See more news-related photo galleries and follow us on Yahoo News Photo Twitter and Tumblr.More than 7,000 people were still in evacuation shelters and many more were struggling with basic needs Thursday after severe flooding and landslides last week in western Japan that caused at least 200 deaths.The disastrously heavy rainfall caused damage over a widespread area, with most of the deaths in and around Hiroshima. IDでもっと便利に現在Yahoo!ニュース 特設ページ蒸し暑い季節の「マスク」注意点は?これからの季節のマスクの注意点とは。選び方や熱中症予防についてご紹介。コロナ不況 婚活女子に厳しい現実 「年収600万以上」高望みの果て26年前に盗まれたフェラーリが川の底で発見される│復元はせず作品へ夏のマスクと熱中症 不織布と布の使い分け方阿炎が会食行き休場「自業自得。最低のこと」師匠「若いうちにやっておけばよかった」熟年夫婦が後悔していること第1位とは政府、韓国ビザの厳格化を検討 徴用工訴訟巡る資産売却に備え東京都で新たに295人の感染確認 5日連続で200人超え国内の感染者3万人超え クルーズ船含む、3週で1万人増旅客機に米軍機が“異常接近”…緊迫の瞬間新型ウイルスの流行は「僕たちのせい」サメが少年に迫る…間一髪救助したのは「韓国を救うために文在寅を…」「安倍首相に謝罪を」デモで注目の女史の告白「ヤクザにとって最も重要な『親子の盃』をないがしろ」神戸山口組から6代目山口組系に大量移籍の動きが出始めたパクり大国・韓国の知的財産権は、誕生したときから日本を模倣してきた…実例集欧州で「王国」を宣言したセトゥ人、中世の習慣を唯一残すスバン人【知られざる先住少数民族の暮らし】孤独死現場の片付けで業者に騙される人の盲点 Today’s business and financial news, plus the latest updates that may affect your money, investments, savings, and financial health Bush became ill at a Japanese state dinner.Trump then visited Japan and South Korea in search of a united front against North Korea before going to Beijing, where he pushed Chinese President Xi Jinping to get tougher with Pyongyang.Trump attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Danang, Vietnam, made a state visit to Hanoi and will end his trip with the Association of South East Asia Nations summit in Manila. (Reuters)See RELATED STORY by Olivier Knox for Yahoo News See more news-related photo galleries and follow us on Yahoo News Photo Twitter and Tumblr.“The pandemic shock appears to be settling into a traditional, self-perpetuating recession.” “Reopening creates a flicker of economic activity, a fleeting illusion of recovery.” “The only way to end our financial crisis and restore the economy is to address the pandemic itself.”“America’s economic crisis is worse than it looks. Power and water outages were common, and damage to roads and railway tracks disrupted deliveries of food and relief supplies.Floodwaters have subsided in most places but left behind massive debris including broken trees, furniture and mangled cars that still need to be moved out of the way. New pictures from Princess Beatrice's wedding shared on social media. PA Media: Video. President Trump said Friday that determining when it will be safe to drop social distancing guidelines to stop the spread of the coronavirus is "the biggest decision I've ever had to make.” At the height of his fame, Macaulay Culkin was regarded as one of the greatest child actors since Shirley Temple...The storm dumped record amounts of rain, causing rivers to overflow their banks and turning many neighborhoods into swamps.Japanese ships resumed hunting whales in waters off the nation's coast, ending a 31-year ban on commercial whaling.
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