*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates. thanks for sharing such an amazing wishes and quotes, keep doing such posts I like it After all, I may not be in a position to find a good luck charm like a With that in mind, I like to keep an eye out for any kind of indicator that a wind of good fortune is blowing my way. I loved it
(This is how you say ‘good fortune’ in Arabic.) 20. Scroll through below to see a few of the most surprising signs out there!Usually, when someone tells you that you “have bats in the attic,” they don’t mean it as a compliment — they’re trying to call you batty!If you ever hear that insult, you may need to tell the person who dealt it to take it up with the bats, because they clearly disagree.When bats decide to make a home inside The most popular old wives’ tale about itchy ears says that, if someone is gossiping about you, your ears will start to feel irritated and ticklish.In fact, it actually depends which ear is itchy — if it’s your left ear that’s bugging you, it’s actually a good sign.That indicates that someone is saying something nice about you, and might mean more happy relationships and friendships to come!Yes, even a black cat!Animals are picky, especially cats, and they’re very good judges of character.If you suddenly find that a stray cat keeps showing up asking for food, or a dog follows you home, it might mean that good fortune is coming your way.Besides, we tend to think adding a new pet to the household is pretty good luck in its own right!The number eight is considered deeply lucky in many parts of the world, particularly in China.That’s because the pronunciation of the number in Chinese is similar to the word meaning “wealth.”In other words, watch out for the number eight — on cash registers, addresses, even phone numbers — because it could mean something good is coming your way.If you sleepily pull on a sweater and discover it’s backward halfway to work, you might think you got up on the wrong side of the bed.Actually, it’s just the opposite — accidentally putting your clothes on inside out, backward, or both is a sign that you’re open to whims of the universe.Word of warning though: Once you notice the mistake, you’re supposed to leave it be; otherwise the good luck will go away.Pins and needles aren’t always a good thing; go to the doctor straight away if it really hurts!But if you just have a mild case of tingling — maybe your arm fell asleep — pay close attention.When your left hand tingles, it’s supposedly because your hand can sense cash flowing into it in the near future.It might seem like there’s nothing worse than getting nailed by a bird “bomb” while you’re just minding your own business, but it’s really a matter of perspective.Yes, you’ll have to clean up icky bird poo from your clothes or (eek!)
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