User:Sandbox, for … See the For the REST API included with MediaWiki 1.35 and later, see Get help:
This must be included in any pre-flight request, and therefore must be part of the request URI (not the POST body). This page is intended for technical contributors and software developers who wish to understand and use the MediaWiki action API. Retrieved from "" May be used to distinguish requests. for other proposed solutions.
Google Sandboxed API; A jail: network-access restrictions, and a restricted file system namespace. When accessing the API using a cross-domain AJAX request (CORS), use this to authenticate as the current SUL user. Include the hostname that served the request in the results. Wikipedia:Sandbox, which cannot be used with VisualEditor.
These terms apply to you when you access or edit using the API, just as they do when you use your web browser. There are all kinds of services available today to make your development experience faster and less expensive. Wikipedia talk:Sandbox, and the talk pages of all other sandboxes, for testing talk page techniques.
Include the languages used for When accessing the API using a cross-domain AJAX request (CORS), set this to the originating domain. By using components created by other parties to perform common tasks, you can focus on the elements that are unique to your application. The format of the output. Use If you do not find what you are looking for in this API documentation, there are many other APIs related to Wikimedia projects. It can be activated with the new editor by following this link. To create a new sandbox (call it anything, such as 'sandbox2') enter this in the search box, using your actual username: This page provides an overview of the MediaWiki action API.This page is intended for technical contributors and software developers who wish to understand and use the MediaWiki action API.
Unlike your primary sandbox, Wikipedia does not automatically keep a way to link to these, so be sure to bookmark it or otherwise have links on your userpage which go to your other sandboxes. Wikipedia:サンドボックスへようこそ! ここは、ウィキペディアで編集・執筆をするための練習や実験などに使用できるページです。 ノートページ へ投稿するための練習は、 Wikipedia‐ノート:サンドボックス を使用してください。 Any value given here will be included in the response. Sandbox ist die englischsprachige Bezeichnung für Sandkiste oder Sandkasten und bezeichnet allgemein einen isolierten Bereich, innerhalb dessen jede Maßnahme keine Auswirkung auf die äußere Umgebung hat. Maximum lag can be used when MediaWiki is installed on a database replicated cluster. I wish to retrive with wikimedia api (here it is the Sandbox) all translation versions of a page. Language to use for warnings and errors.
If given, error texts will use locally-customized messages from the MediaWiki namespace. For example, you don't have to follow the If you have a If you want more sandboxes then make a page in your userspace and designate it as your sandbox.
Format to use for warning and error text output. In case of excessive lag, error code Set the Set the Verify that the user is logged in if set to Verify the current user is the named user.
The sandboxes are pages designed for testing and experimenting with They were created as a place with fewer rules and policies than other pages on Wikipedia. For authenticated requests, this must match one of the origins in the For non-authenticated requests, specify the value Language to use for message translations.
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