The video was filmed throughout Drake’s house and featured him doing the “Toosie Slide” dance.Drake’s June 2018 song According to Drake revealed the song’s release date along with its cover art two days before its official release.Yes they have, on songs including:OZ has also produced songs that feature Drake. Workin' on a weekend like usualいつも通り働く週末Way off in the deep end like usualいつも通りイライラしているBlack leather glove, no sequins黒い革の手袋Buckles on the jacket, it's Alyx shitバックルのついたジャケット(I saw Denzel Washington on TV the other (この前テレビでデンゼル・ワシントンを見たday. Everybody’s been doing it. … [Pre-Chorus]“Toosie Slide” marks Drake’s first foray into dance records as he raps the instructions to the titular dance. It’s sticking and we might just call the song that.” Later on, he let me know he was officially going to name the song “Toosie Slide.” I was in shock. )ぞ。あいつは本当にかっこいい男だ)Before I die I'm tryna fuck you, baby死ぬ前にお前とヤリたいんだHopefully we don't have no babies子供はいらない He also boasts about his dancing skills and compares them to the legendary The song and its accompanying dance are named after famed Atlanta choreographer In an [Drake] had a record idea and needed me to come up with a dance to it […] Everybody was contributing little moves, and slowly but surely, we started piecing it together […] He went back and finished the song after we sent him the dance. Toosie Slide - Drakeの歌詞と和訳: Black leather glove, no sequins/黒い革の手袋/Buckles on the jacket, it's Alyx shit/バックルのついたジャケット/Nike crossbody, got a piece in it/ナイキの斜めがけバッグ/Got a dance, but it's really on some /ダンスを覚えたけど I couldn’t even believe it.The single is Drake’s first official release on all streaming platforms and third release overall in 2020, following the The dance was created and named after Atlanta choreographer, Yes, it was released the same day as the song. Then he called me, and he was like “Yo, everybody is in love with the dance. We’re all calling it the Toosie Slide right now. Toosie slide, then I hit it double-time Toosie Slide、2倍のスピードで動く (ドレイクはラップのピッチをChorus 〜 Pre Chorus の間に変化させています) Then I hit a spin ‘cause we spun their block a couple times そして体をスピンさせるのさ、だって俺たちは何度もブロックを襲撃 (spin) してきただろ. He's a real good looking man. Toosie Slide Lyrics: Black leather glove, no sequins / Buckles on the jacket, it's Alyx shit / Nike crossbody, got a piece in it / Got a dance, but it's really on some street shit / I'ma show you how Toosie Slide [Explicit]-歌詞-Black leather glove, no sequinsBuckles on the jacket, it\'s Alyx shitNike crossbody, got a piece in itGot a dance, but it\'s really on some street shit -MyMusic懂你想聽的,打開APP立即開始聽歌
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