A post shared on Facebook claims that Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci once stated, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” Thiessen used the adage when he commented on the graceful sculpture: Perhaps Mr. Crowninshield’s preference for the Lani head, by the simple peasant sculptor who was his close friend, proves that Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.In 1934 the “San Francisco Chronicle” printed an article about the upcoming fashion season for clothing. The journalist printed the aphorism and credited Leonardo da Vinci: He starts afresh every morning, scrambling eggs, baking coconut bread and pan-frying sweetcorn fritters, proving Leonardo da Vinci’s aphorism that In conclusion, this article represents a snapshot of current knowledge and future researchers will probably be able to antedate some of these citations. that In 1961 an English teacher writing in “The Marietta Daily Journal” of Marietta, Georgia penned an opinion piece that included the following instance: For these parents realize that this child’s life will be much healthier if she waits until early college years to achieve sophistication. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. . (Great thanks to Wikicitas, Joseph Brown, and Andrew Old whose inquiries led QI to formulate this question and perform this exploration. . "More" is not necessarily "better" as Learning Management Systems should be customized towards the business needs of … The photographer Luc-Henri Fage placed the image in the public domain as recorded on the Wikipedia website. Well-dressed women will look more sophisticated than ever before—for of course, In 1936 “The New York Sun” of New York City published an article about recent design changes for silverware that emphasized less complexity and ornamentation. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” While Leonardo da Vinci is widely recognized as having coined this pithy phrase, in our day, Steve Jobs is known for having used this mantra to define his company’s visual appeal. More information, more choices, and more products is not better. The guest editor for the section was an executive named Pietro Logaldo who wrote a short introductory note containing the adage with an ascription to Leonardo da Vinci: As we bask in the full warmth of summer’s embrace we at Inizio takenote of the advice of Leonardo da Vinci who wrote: In September 2000 the periodical “Investor’s Business Daily” printed a set of quotations under the title “Wisdom To Live By”. Hillyer discussed a popular furniture and interior designer named T. H. Robsjohn-Gibbings. More often then not we have the tendency to complicate rather then simplify. The words reflected the theme of the adage: In 1952 an article titled “Simplicity Marks New Dining Room” by Elizabeth Hillyer appeared in an Illinois newspaper. The ellipses in the following passage were in the original text: —You know God damn well that . . Biography; My Designs; aaawww FINALS!!!
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