In this society, where people don’t stray from the “norm”, not being recognized means a life of solitude and of no meaning.We finally learn what caused Togane to become the most latent criminal in the history of Sibyl. Nome * Adicionar nome / apelido. psycho-pass サイコパス 2 第11話 「what color?」 psycho-pass サイコパス 2の11話が放送されました psycho-pass サイコパス2 の11話を 皆さんは見ましたか そんなわけでpsycho-pass サイコパス2 の11話の感想 ネタバレを書いていきます。 ↓↓記事の続きを読む↓↓ Descargar Psycho-Pass 2 11/11 por MEGA en HD Ligero 720p Sub Español (Latino) 120 MB 1280x720p Mp4 BDrip With a different production staff, it was inevitable for there to be some major changes this season. She’s seen how horrible Sibyl can be, yet she hasn’t changed her mind at all.Togane’s character does a complete 180 over the span of an episode. I think they did a decent job at expanding the story and adding on to the universe. The music remained top notch even if there were some slight dips in animation. While he tries to remind Akane of what Kamui did to her grandmother, hearing his desperate pleas just makes him feel less convincing. Older faces didn’t get much screen time, so my opinion on them hasn’t changed. We need your help to keep going. Maybe it was the lack of Kogami, or maybe it was the constant spouting of colors which threw me off. When seeing the after effects of this whole fiasco, it doesn’t seem like much has changed. Togane shares this with Makishima. Heck, even Hinakawa, being a new character, barely played a role in this season.I feel like I’m being a bit critical in some of my points, but the first season initially set the bar for my expectations. She bears a bit of guilt, but her reaction of trying to bury everything under the rug seemed a bit ridiculous. Being such a warped child at a young age, he had no place to belong, which probably developed his need for his mother. As a child he was criminally asymptomatic, but in present day we’re aware of his hue. However, not being recognized by Sibyl has made that impossible. It’s like he’s throwing a temper tantrum because Akane won’t get mad at him. But we never really found out if she was brainwashed by him, or if she truly converted to his side. Mika might have a bit of development, but it’s hard to say without more episodes.Overall, it was still enjoyable to watch, and was a decent action series. ※一部、音声に乱れがございます。ご了承ください。/#11 聖者の晩餐/熾烈を極めた泉宮寺との死闘の果てに、狡噛はゆきの身柄を槙島に奪われてしまう。駆けつけた朱は狡噛に代わり、ゆきを連れ去った槙島を追跡するが、そこで彼女は信じられない光景を目にするのだった。 Togane’s whole motivation for corrupting inspectors stems back to his deep seeded mommy issues. Anyways, enough of my rambling, how did you feel about this season of Psycho Pass?You can watch Psycho Pass 2 Episode 11 on Seeing her softly touch her missing eye leads me to believe that she fell for Kamui’s ideal, but that’s just my guess.As I mentioned earlier, the ending did feel a bit rushed to me. bsフジ『psycho-pass サイコパス 2』再放送のスケジュールが変更になりました。 『psycho-pass サイコパス 2』(全11話) 9月15日(日)25:00〜27:00 第1話~第4話 9月22日(日)26:00〜27:00 第5話~第6話 10月6日(日)25:00〜27:30 第7話~第11話
She has both asymptomatic and symptomatic characteristics which is bizarre union but that is her integral being and it really frightens and fascinates both her allies and foes.Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.
第11話 what color?|psycho-pass サイコパス 2 人間の心理状態や性格的傾向を計測し、数値化できるようになった近未来。 人々はこの測定値を「psycho-pass(サイコパス)」の俗称で呼び、その数値を指標として「良き人生」をおくろうと躍起になっていた。 犯罪も数値によって対処される。 She’s still blindly believing in Sibyl. He still wants to take down the system as a whole, believing that there is no future for such a method of judgement. That is also simplistic in its ideals and something that may mitigate some of his nefarious qualities but it works for him. I was hoping that he’d have a deeper motivation for his hobby, but it all stems back to him trying to make his mom look better. Akane is shown to be super intelligent — to go beyond the primers of both Kogami and Makishima. While it wasn’t bad by any means, it just felt like something was lacking. I generally write whatever comes to mind as I'm watching anime!I actually liked S2 a lot. Psycho Pass 2 Episode 11.
I know there were some questions but there are some answers too. He was completely calm and calculating, but by the end of it, he seemed like a train wreck.I guess there was some tragedy to his character.
Email * He believes that she’s capable of evaluating society indiscriminately.At this point, Togane’s appearances are hysterical for me. We need your help to keep going. I don’t know why, but it was satisfying seeing Tougane finally show his true colors.
Compartilhar Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp. I'm a marketing student who got back into anime in 2012. Deixe um comentario Cancelar resposta. There was far less character development and world building as it mainly focused on the events of the Kamui Kirito case.
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