The game was released on 25 June, 2010.It was developed by Traveller's Tales, which have also made several other LEGO games, and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Harry Potter Years 1-4 is a fun online Nintendo DS game that you can play here on Games HAHA.
OS: Windows XP/VistaProcessor: Intel P4 1.8 GHz/AMD Athlon XP 2200+RAM: 512MBGraphics Card: ATI X1300/NVIDIA GeForce FX 5800 (256 MB RAM)Sound Card: 100% DirectX®9.0c compatible audio deviceInput Devices: Keyboard; Xbox 360 Controller for Windows supportedBuild the adventure from Privet Drive to the Triwizard Tournament and experience the magic of the first four Harry Potter stories – LEGO style! The game was released on June 29, 2010, in the United States.It was released in the UK on June 25, 2010, and was developed by Traveler's Tales (TT Games), the company that is responsible for most of the more recent LEGO video games. HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR.You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam.Enter up to 375 characters to add a description to your widget:Copy and paste the HTML below into your website to make the above widget appearSign in to add your own tags to this product. If you enjoyed this game and want to play similar fun games then make sure to play Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, LEGO Harry Potter Years 5-7 or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 or just go to the Nintendo DS games page. This guide covers a complete walkthrough for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 is a LEGO video game based on the first four installments of the Harry Potter series in LEGO form.
Harry Potter and the Quidditch Cup - Duration: 17:32.
LEGO® The Lord of the Rings™ Warner Bros. International Enterprises. $19.99 Add to Cart . LizAndErikSeries 219,990 views. Explore Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, learn spells, brew potions and relive the adventures like never before with tongue-in-cheek humor and creative customization that is unique to LEGO videogames!The Magic is Building!Connect the bricks from the Privet Drive to the Triwizard Tournament and experience the magic of the Harry Potter™ adventures – LEGO style.Play as Harry, Ron, and Hermione as well as other favorite characters.Explore Hogwarts™ castle, Diagon Alley™, the forbidden Forest, the village of Hogsmeade™ and more.Make sure to download without antivirus and firewall. $4.99. These can delete files they cant read and this will cause the games to not work!Always make sure your PC meets requirements.Just Download, Unzip, Run Setup and Play.Watch our Youtube video to watch us do it if you need help.HomeRecently AddedAll PC GamesFAQRequestMore この製品はあなたの言語をサポートしていません。ご購入される前に、対応言語のリストをご確認ください。HARRY POTTER characters, names and related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR.このウィジェットメーカーを使えば、 Web サイト内に埋め込み Steam からこのゲームを閲覧者が簡単に購入することができる短い HTML 文が作成できます。ウィジェットに追加する説明文を 375 文字以内で入力してください:上記のウィジェットを表示させるために、下記の HTML 文をコピーし、あなたの Web サイトに貼り付けてくださいサインインして、この製品に自分のタグを追加しよう。 Play as Harry, Ron, Hermione and many more as you explore Hogwarts and engage in countless hours of gameplay spread across 40+ levels based on the Harry Potter books and movies.
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