They visited the “NIPPON GALLERY TABIDO MARUNOUCHI”(by Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.), the soon-to-be Olympic venue “New National Stadium”(under-construction), the Central Wholesale Market in Toyosu -scheduled to replace the wholesale Tsukiji Market in October 2018-, and experienced a class by professional Noh Masters on how to move and sing according to the tradition of this ancient form of theatre.3 awardees were invited to Japan, with the award ceremony itself being held at the Hotel New Otani Tokyo.
Japan Event Calendar for July 2020: national holidays, events, festivals. Your Japan. Japan.
This guide will help you have a stress-free time while in Japan for meetings, conventions, venue inspections and incentive trips. Your 2020. Bridging the Asian continent and the Pacific Ocean, Japan is perfectly placed for international meetings with easily accessible flights from all major global centers. Home Contact/Information Articles Japan’s diverse meetings and events destinations. Your Japan. My Favorites${v.desc | trunc(25)}${v.desc | trunc(25)}Use the Share your travel photos with us by hashtagging your images with #visitjapanjpMy Favorites Resources for Meeting, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions planners.• • Introductions to local suppliersPlease note that JNTO does not provide meeting/event management services – for project quotations, please A compendium of our best rated cities, taking into account venues, transportation, ease of access, accomodation offer and sustainability, for hosting a MICE event. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. Ask us. Nationwide convention bureaus.
Your 2020.
With centuries-old traditions co-existing with innovative new technology, Japan is truly a knowledge hub inspiring creative ideas. Articles 2020.07.07 10 Tips for Doing Business in Japan Experiencing a different culture is one of the great joys of travel. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to view the content on this site correctly.Introducing a set of special content for your 2020 incentive tours. We have a fresh set of original proposals, only for 2020. Your 2020. At the Awards Ceremony, winners were recognized for their achievements and presented with a crystal trophy, in front of approximately 90 attendees that included Meetings & Incentive local sellers and global buyers, members of key overseas media, and other parties involved in the business matching “Visit JAPAN Travel & MICE Mart”. Your 2020.
New ideas start here. Held at the Hotel New Otani Tokyo, the ceremony had approximately 100 attendees, including Meetings & Incentive local sellers and global buyers, members of key overseas publications, and other parties involved in the business matching “Visit JAPAN Travel & MICE Mart”. Rich in nature, diverse landscapes stretch from the heights of Mt. Unique venues and team building activities prepared by local governments. Your Japan.
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