Old Town Hall with Astronomical Clock (Staroměstská radnice s orlojem) The Old Town Hall was established in 1338 as the seat of the Old Town administration. Points of Interest & Landmarks, Historic Sites, Lookouts, Architectural Buildings More. The background represents the Earth and the local view of the sky. The Old Town Hall, with its medieval tower and Astronomical clock, has been dominant in the Old Town Square for centuries. The video interacted with the tower's architecture, such as rain rolling off the arch, and showing the passage of time with moving shadows.On its 605th anniversary, 9 October 2015, the Orloj appeared on the Google home page as a The Orloj was taken down for reconstruction and replaced by a In 2018 it underwent a reconstruction and restoration, and resumed operations at 6 p.m. local time on 28 September 2018.The astronomical dial is a form of mechanical The astronomical dial has a background that represents the standing Earth and sky, and surrounding it operate four main moving components: the zodiacal ring, an outer rotating ring, an icon representing the Sun, and an icon representing the Moon.
The Orloj suffered heavy damage on May 7 and especially May 8, 1945, during the The Orloj was renovated in autumn 2005, when the statues and the lower calendar ring were restored. The blue circle directly in the centre represents the Earth, and the upper blue is the portion of the sky which is above the Written on the eastern (left) part of the horizon is Golden Inside the large black outer circle lies another movable circle marked with the signs of the The displacement of the zodiac circle results from the use of a The small golden star shows the position of the At the outer edge of the clock, golden The golden Sun moves around the zodiacal circle, thus showing its position on the Additionally, the distance of the Sun from the center of the dial shows the time of sunrise and sunset. The last renovation of the astronomical clock was carried out from January to September 2018, following a reconstruction of the Old Town Tower. The Sun and its hand are on the 365-tooth gear inside the machine. The The clock was first installed in 1410, making it the third-oldest astronomical clock in the world and the oldest clock still operating.The Orloj is mounted on the southern wall of The oldest part of the Orloj, the mechanical clock and astronomical dial, dates from 1410 when it was made by clockmaker Formerly, it was believed that the Orloj was constructed in 1490 by clockmaster Jan Růže (also called Hanuš); this is now known to be a historical mistake. The original is stored in the Prague City Museum.Next to the calendar stands a The Astronomical Clock (Pražský orloj) is built into one side of the Old Town Hall Tower (Staroměstská radnice) at the Old Town Square. The Orloj is mounted on the southern wall of Old Town Hall in the Old Town Square.
Old Town Hall Tower & Astronomical ClockOld Town, Prague 1. Entrance tickets currently cost $18.60, while a popular guided tour starts around $6.53 per person. #5 of 1,183 things to do in Prague. From left to right in the photographs, the first is Every hour of the day, twelve statues of The calendar plate below the clock was replaced by a copy in 1880. Two projectors were used to project several animated videos on the clock. See all 153 Old Town Hall with Astronomical Clock tickets and tours on Tripadvisor
A legend, recounted by In 1552 it was repaired by Jan Taborský (In 1629 or 1659 wooden statues were added, and figures of the Apostles were added after a major repair in 1787–1791. The wooden statues were covered with a net to keep pigeons away.
Hundreds of people are standing below the Astronomical clock every hour to watch the moving marionettes.
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