This isn’t unique to the Kore Gun Belt, but when carrying IWB with a comfortable amount of snugness, there’s a gap in front of and behind the … C-Kore subsea measurement tools find faults and prove the health of umbilicals, jumpers, control modules, down-hole sensors (or anything else) without using downlines.
Sinead ensures are compliant with all legislation and works closely with our Health and Safety officer to ensure the team know how to keep themselves safe.Outside of KORE you will find Sinead spending quality time with her family and is often out running with friends.Brian Flax has been a Marketing Manager for KORE for five years now. We have installed water boreholes with pumps in the villages of Koutou and Yanika to compliment a government-sponsored water scheme. They are engaged in work that inspires them to perform at the highest level, and pursue opportunities for growth and advancement that they are offered.
You can usually catch Brian online through the website’s live chat, or on the company’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.
Steven plays a critical role in helping KORE find and source new business for all of KORE’s range of products. The tools save days of vessel time allowing more to be achieved in every offshore campaign. We are helping the community This provides additional income with a twist: elephants really dislike bees and avoid hives. Villages with bee hives in their fields are less likely to suffer crop damage from elephants. Remember, I only weigh 140 lbs! I put them on scale and was shocked: they weighted 1826g another and another ski weighted 1847g. Brian is responsible for running and maintaining KORE’s website, online social media presence and helping to create online and offline marketing materials. Fergal is responsible for internal testing of KORE products for European CE marking, and also conducts routine testing to help improve our knowledge of EPS, its properties and how our processes affect and improve the material.Outside of work Fergal is an avid airsoft aficionado, and channels his “inner nerd” as an expert gamer.Feel free to call the office to request his gamertag!Kieran Sheridan has been a Production Manager and a member of the KORE team for four years. These cookies do not store any personal information.The below list details the cookies used in our website.Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.
Our vision is to continually deliver value to all of our stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors and the communities in which we live and work.Accountable.
Jonathan covers Dublin and the surrounding counties for KORE Insulation.
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