Sign up for our other newsletters.Sign up for our other newsletters. The film's full credits can be … So that helps to explain how the world won't be in an utter state of chaos when With that in mind, one would think the proper post-credit scene would have something to do with that movie. In 2014, Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures introduced us to the Monsterverse, a cinematic universe starring some of Toho’s greatest kaiju in a battle for dominance. When you slow down the credits they reveal little tidbits of info about the movie's history. Is he going to try and clone Ghidorah?
The end credits of 'Godzilla: King of the Monsters' sets up next year's 'Godzilla vs. Kong' crossover movie. Moments later, though, a new appendage appears in its place. Perhaps Godzilla will be jealous of that affection, or outright worship from humanity, when it is transferred over to Kong. Listining to Serg's version of godzilla during the end credit scene and it ending with the godzilla vs kong cave painting is just fantastic. In the scene, a fisherman has acquired Ghidorah’s missing head and sells it to Colonel Alan Jonah (The most obvious theory is that Jonah will somehow find a way to bring Ghidorah back to life in an upcoming sequel. Kong, on the other hand, has always had a much more romanticized relationship with humans, going back to his love affair with Ann Darrow (Fay Wray) in the original film. Instead, we tie up something of a loose end, as well as opening an interesting door for the future. But should We'll have to see what director Adam Wingard has up his sleeve when With Ghidorah spawning replacement body parts right in front of our eyes, it’s easy to forget about the ones that he previously lost.The post-credits scene takes us back to Isla de Mara, where Rodan was awoken earlier in the movie only to be overthrown by Ghidorah. The next logical step is to give them a modified makeover and make this franchise as weird and unpredictable as the Toho saga.Fortunately, the future of the franchise is brimming with exciting possibilities. Not so fast. King of the Monsters‘ post-credits cliffhanger is reminiscent of 1991’s Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah. While the Monsterverse’s version of Kong never had the same tragic trip to New York that ended with beauty killing the beast, a human connection is part of his DNA. But as exciting as that is, we know that we won’t simply be getting 2.5 hours of monster fights, regardless of how divided critics and audiences are on that point. Godzilla: King of the Monsters is now in theaters, and everyone wants to know what the scene after the credits means. The Hollywood Reporter, LLC is a subsidiary of Prometheus Global Media, LLC. Perhaps the creature will regenerate an entire body — either on its own, with the aid of science, or through the use of Titan DNA (which can create life). Bring on the new golden age!Kieran is a Daily Curator for the website you're currently reading. They eventually come to a large room and we see King Ghidorah's severed head! During an epic monster brawl with Godzilla, the dragon has his noggin removed courtesy of his opponent’s sharp teeth. Some of these hints were revealed during the film’s end credits sequence, which showed us newspaper headlines about global Titan activity. Gareth Edwards reintroduced the giant lizard to western audiences with
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